Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Center

"Returning to the Source is stillness, which is the way of Nature. Stillness and tranquility set things in order in the Universe."
These words are from the Tao Te Ching, one of the greatest books ever written.
When I turn my attention inwards, I find a core of stillness. This is the Source, the Center.If I stay in this stillness, I feel very good...joyous, tranquil, alert and aware.
If I look out upon the world from this place, I see and feel the magic everywhere. This is the Heart that Ramana Maharishi speaks of, the origin and the core of all creation.
Once I find this, I find everything; all i need to do is keep returning to it.
Life throws me off-center often...but all I need to do is take a few moments and return to the Center.Its just a simple matter of learning how to swim or ride a bike or play the guitar. At first it seems so difficult, well-nigh impossible. A little practice...and, hey presto! it just flows with effortless ease.
Every human being has this treasure within.
This is the greatest healing, where all is forgiven, all pain dissolves, all confusion vanishes.
Here, all questions, doubts , fears disappear.
Here there is no negativity, no duality, no desire, no suffering, no death.
Here there is only infinite bliss and deep eternal peace.
Perhaps this is why all the great souls...saints, mystics, sages... of all cultures and all religions, have endlessly exhorted their fellow humans to find this treasure that is within .
There can be no greater blessing than this.
Seek this center..find it and stay in it as often as you can.
Nothing else is needed.

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