Sunday, May 11, 2008


Being simple is very difficult. The ego-mind delights in complexity. Being simple demands total courage, total trust, the ability to leap without hesitation into the abyss.
Nature, at core, is simple. The truth is simple. Tao is simple.
Direct perception, without going through the filter of the mind and its pre-conceived notions, is only possible when you are simple.
Thus, the eyes of simplicity see the incredible, magical perfection of all that exists.
Once you have experienced this perception, no other eyes will ever satisfy you.


david santos said...

Hello, Manohar!
I loved this post and this blog.
Have a nice day.

manohar prabhu said...

Thank you David. I am glad you liked it.If you email me, will gladly send you a copy of my book, LightSongs.
Warm regards,