Sunday, May 18, 2008


We come into this world alone. We leave one can come with us on that final journey.
Our spirits live in solitude. Even in the midst of crowds, inside we are alone...each cocooned in his or her own universe. Yet, we crave companionship, love,affection, to be liked and appreciated. Why is this?
Because we have let ourselves be trapped in the delusion of being separate.
But somewhere, deep, deep inside us, lies this memory of being one with all there is.
And we cannot but crave to return to that knowing.
Learn the secret of being alone without being lonely.
Solitude bears rich gifts...nourishment for the soul.
How can I be alone..when my breath links me with the furthest galaxies? How can I be alone when I know and experience that I am trees and birds and planets and seas and mountains and people and bees?
Solitude is my true home...where I can return to who I really am.
Solitude is my rest and my refuge, where my soul can recharge itself with the infinite energy of the Universe.
In the embrace of my solitude, I find peace and joy and love that is infinite and eternal.
And, in this finding, I discover my true connection, at the deepest level, with all living beings.


Casperbaba said...

i am too small to have the capacity to comment on your work.

It was a humbling, elating and honest experience being in your presence. I am Honored!

God bless!

manohar prabhu said...

Hi my friend,
Small contains big..and vice versa. Quantum physics has already proved that every tiny atom contains the entire universe.
Thank you for reading this blog...all truth is universal and shared by everyone:)