Saturday, December 27, 2008

"Ask not for whom the bell tolls - it tolls for thee! "

The tangled chain of causes of “terrorism” and all human conflict is long and dates back over 2000 years. Rather than attempting to lop of a few branches, we need to go straight to the root.
The root cause of all conflict is the mistaken notion of “ us “ and “them” . This leads to enmity and greed...and huge disparities. 5 % of the global population consumes 85% of global resources, thus sowing dragons’ teeth that fruit into millions of angry, discontented and warped individuals.
I am one of that 5% ..what can I do?
I can change myself.
I can realize that I am part of a global web of Life…and must care for all of it.
When people are dying of war or disease or hunger in my neighbourhood or in far-flung corners of the world, I can feel for them and care about them and help in any little way I can.
I can temper my greed and live gently and lightly…reduce my footprint on this earth.
 I can share as much as possible with others, in my immediate environment as well as on a larger, global scale.
I can set an example for my children…and any others I can influence…by radiating, from the core of my being, my experiential understanding that we are truly all ONE
I can stop seeing myself as a member of a particular race or caste or creed…and see myself as a responsible citizen of Planet Earth.
 I can be the bridge between Earth and Heaven, the material and the divine.
I can live my truth and be compassionate and gentle with all my fellow-beings.
I can be whole, aware, conscious…and spread this wholeness to the entire Universe.
I can do my best to usher in the global mind-shift, when at least 10,000 individuals of the human race evolve to a higher, nobler consciousness, thus creating the critical mass that will finally set off the chain-reaction of human evolution.
This is all I can do… and it is enough.

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Emperor Has No Clothes!

We are living in turbulent times. Turbulence causes destruction, suffering, hardships…but it can also result in change.
All over the world, we are witnessing system collapse – eco-systems, climate systems, financial and economic systems, political, religious and sociological systems…all antiquated, over-loaded, creaking at the seams.
Breaking down ..often irrevocably…leading to violence, poverty, suffering, environmental degradation, terrorism, war, disease…an endless list of inter-related disasters.
Why can’t the 7 billion people on this planet live in peace, comfort and harmony? Nature has given us more than adequate resources to achieve this.
But 5% of the world’s population recklessly consumes 80% of the world’s resources….and heartlessly ignores the suffering of the 95%. Even though they are digging their own graves, destroying the future of their children and grandchildren.
Why is this happening? What happened to all our vaunted progress. .our “intelligence”, our science, our technology, our “wise” leaders, economists, strategists, experts? Did they all go wrong?
The collapse of the global financial system has revealed the bankruptcy of our so-called “ experts”.
Those that should be caring protectors and supporters are robber-barons in disguise. Our systems are failing..…resulting in desperate acts that further accentuate the insanity of this race.
It's time to look at history with the eyes of a child: open, innocent, unbiased.
When I do this, I see that the fundamental fear of death is the root cause of this insanity.
 I am terrified that "I" will soon be destroyed totally.
If I am frightened, I am insecure. Being insecure, I become greedy.
Being greedy, I lose my humanity…I possess more than I truly need.
 I give value to things, possessions, pieces of paper, rather than to Life.
I destroy my planet, my fellow-human beings, the delicate balance of Nature …in some kind of crazed suicidal drive.
So whence comes this root fear that grows into this tree of self-destruction? Were we born with it? Or has the act of "growing up"in society somehow warped our souls?
Anyone who has seen a baby knows it is innocent, pure, divine.
How did we forget our pure, perfect, divine nature and turn into crazed monsters? Can we return to our original perfection?
This is the only question: can each individual transform his or her own state of being and be free of the insane ego-mind complex that threatens to destroy this race?
The answer to this question will determine our future.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Everything is made up of vibration...fine-tuned frequencies make up all matter.

Resonance with the original divine frequency is paradise.
Dissonance creates the purgatories and hells.
For each individual. For all creation.
 As within, so without.

Consciousness is the alogorithm that generates the frequencies.
 Intelligent information guides the patterns...when harmonious, all dualities dance within unity, when disharmonious, multiplicities clash.

We try to change our world by intervention.
Crude interventions are at the outer shell of matter.
 Subtler interventions are at the level of vibration.
The finest interventions need the least the innermost information level.
Why hammer the hardware when we can just tweak the software?

Singing in tune is the key.
If my Being is in tune, my vibrations, feelings, thoughts and that order..will be harmonious and right.

If enough voices sing together in harmony, in tune with the ONE heartsound, surely that song can tranform this earth into the garden it was always meant to be!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Death , Where is Thy Sting?

Today in my meditation ,as I entered that perfect, silent bliss of the empty state, the witness watched  the ego-mind complex collapse into nothing.
This witness is that inner core of myself that never sleeps, who observes faithfully, without judgment or reaction, all my states : waking, dream, deep sleep or meditation.
The witness is but a construct…it, too, dissolves into the Self, when one sinks in total surrender into the Infinite Universal Divine. Just as the stick used for prodding the burning logs of the funeral pyre is itself eventually consumed by the flames.
Death is the key.. the only doorway to rebirth in the Kingdom of Heaven.
This is the great secret, the Philosopher’s Stone of the alchemists, the Samadhi-pill of the yogis, the eye of the needle that is the gateway to eternity.
No wonder all the great Masters of every religion and culture said the same thing:
Die before the body dies, say the Taoists.
 Death of the ego-self is the only way, say the Advaitins.
Resurrection comes after crucifixion, says Christianity.
Surrender your little self to the Divine, said the Sufis.
If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him! Said the Zen masters. Also , be a dead man, totally dead: then all will be well.
Immortality is freedom from the fear of death.
Every living creature dies every day in deep sleep, gratefully resting in the nourishing waters of emptiness to recharge the spirit with Life-force.
Every meditator is dying a little death when he switches off his mind in daily meditation.
Meditation is the state of waking sleep : when the mind switches off but the witness continues to observe.
Thus we experience that death is a great treasure, a gateway to infinity and eternity.
We taste this treasure with our meditation. Only the ego-mind complex dies: revealing the true glory of our own true nature.
We drop our little selves and feel our Oneness. No more fear!
Welcome, my friends , to Paradise!
Here and Now.
Everywhere and Forever.

Monday, October 20, 2008


There is a sunburst in my chest ,a song of haunting glory sweeping like a wave through my flesh, my blood, my bones.
The dark veil has fallen from my eyes: Light dances everywhere.
In the clear blue of this sky, there is no room for doubt or pain or fear.
Death disappears before these rays like fog before rising sun.
My breath is a trumpet of praise, my heart a thunder of gratitude .. such grace, such gifts, such unbearable ecstasy!
I melt unendingly in an ocean of unconditional love.
My soul gasps in wonder at the borning of the ONE , blossoming like a lotus from the roof of my head.
Freedom is a bell resounding in my Being.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Bee

My mind buzzes like a bee in its frantic search for new and different nectars.
I tasted all the pleasures and they all taste of dust.
I read all the sacred books and found only empty words.
I chanted all the mantras and found only delusion.
I visited all the Heavens and Hells and found only mirages.
I discovered all the Gods and Goddesses were just clay.
Until, one destined day, I drank the wine of emptiness and my besotted mind fell still.
The bee stopped buzzing around from flower to flower.
At last it dissolved in the Heart-lotus, drowned in the nectar of Being.

Nothing but perfection remains.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Dive Deep

When the attention dives inward, mind-chatter sinks and dissolves in the Heart.
This results in stillness.
Stillness is the Heart, the eternal, ever-present beginning, the place of rest, renewal and re-birth.
When attention re-surfaces, the clouds of thought and feeling vanish before the rising sun of Self.
Empty blue sky expands into infinity.
 The clear mirror reflects original truth.
The sweet scent of sat-chit-ananda fills the void.
Outer and Inner become one.
Everything is radiant with magic once again.
This Heart is your true home, your being .
Stay here - and all will be well.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Hunter

Become the hunter. Hunt the I-bird that is the creator of your reality.

This I-bird that comes alive every morning, whose cries and brilliant plumage re-create your world, where does she nest?
Track down this illusion of thought and name and form, emotion and memory, smoke and mirrors, that is the source of your universe.

At night, when sleep comes, this I –bird disappears.
 Instantly, the world disappears…there is only void, blankness, emptiness.
On waking, the I-bird leaps up…and the world is born again.

Set the one who never sleeps, the Witness, to track this I-bird.
Through his eyes, follow the secret breath within the breath.
At the verge of sleep, see where the I-bird settles and dissolves into the source within your chest.

This is the Heart…from where all the worlds arise and where they dissolve again.
This is the source and the substance of all things.
Once you find this Heart, you disappear.
Only the Self remains.... silent, blissful, tranquil and eternal.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I was

I was hungry - only because I was blind to the wondrous fruit you spread around me.
I was thirsty- because I ignored the water of eternal life you gifted me.
I was lonely - because I forgot that I was connected to every living being in the universe.
I was sad - because I expected joy from the outside and never looked within.
I was afraid - because I did not see that there was nothing ever to be afraid of.
I was in despair - because I was deaf to the voice in my soul that could make me free.
I was insane - because I let my mind run wild and never found the vast peaceful space behind it.
I was dead - because I was too timid to live totally and fully in each moment.
Now I am.
In every moment, alive, aware, awake.
And that is more than enough !

Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Seeking

Embodied, you play so many games, it's hard to keep track of you.
Where will I find you?
Emptiness looking for itself in a mirror, what can it see?
Nothing dances into everything, while still remaining nothing...what a mystery!
The formless Lord of the Universe floats like foam on the ocean of form. Yet the same vast ocean is just a speck on the tip of Her perfect nose!
Sometimes, you are Shiva and sometimes Shakti and sometimes neither or both- stop confusing me!
Isn't it enough that I passed through a trillion wombs in this quest?
I have turned inside out and upside down, changed names and shapes with ceaseless aplomb, become fire and smoke and water and wind inside the hollow earth of you.
Clothed in your magnificent new clothes, this tapestry of space and time, O Emperor ...only the clear, innocent eyes of a child see your nakedness.
Eye Spy!
Enough is enough...this game is over.
It's your turn to seek ! :)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Wedding

There is a drum beating in my heart, conch shells blowing in my veins, an invisible flute pouring liquid notes into the roof of my skull.
The sleeping Goddess awakens and dances in waves of cold fire up my spine, seeking her Lord.
The Music-maker plays hide and seek amidst the million-petalled lotuses of light, awaiting his bride.
How lucky I am to have been invited to this wedding feast!
The elephant-headed son welcomes me at the doorway with a fountain of blue radiance.
They meet, Lord and Lady, and merge in the Fire-flower that blossoms at the top of my head.
Ahhhh! how their love-making turns this clay into Paradise!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

O Priest!

You learnt all the sanskrit verses by heart. You mastered the most complex of asanas and pranayamas, yamas and niyamas, mantras and yantras and tantras.
You perform all the ancient rituals flawlessly.
You worship the stones with milk and camphor, fire and flowers. The sacred thread of seven strands across your chest is your badge of privilege and wisdom.
Tell me...O revered priest...
Do you rest silent in the Heart?
Do you see the divinity in beggar and rich man equally?
Do you feel the Light pervading all things, the kernel of true wisdom in all faiths?
Can you look upon dog and pig and untouchable with love and compassion?
Can you be humble, one with the dust?
Can you truly see Brahman in all living forms?
Tell me, O Priest...have the ears in your heart heard His song?

Monday, June 23, 2008

The Source

Water from a deep mountain spring is clear and sweet and good.
Water from a dirty drain is filthy and poisoned .
Its purity depends upon its source.

Life is a continuous stream of thoughts, feelings and actions.
By themselves, these are neither good nor bad. What matters is : are they effective, are they useful, do they improve the quality of your existence?
This depends on where they come from, the source.
If they come from unconsciousnes, from the layers of unawareness, they are polluted and ineffective..all they do is create additional negativity.
If they come from conscious awareness, they will be effortlessly elegant , positive, creative and beneficial to you and all around you.
Seek the right source: then all your actions will be spontaneously  perfect always.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Writing on water

I wrote a lovesong on the floated far away, became the water, became the world.
Writing on water is only possible when I become water.
Can words lead beyond words? Can thoughts lead beyond mind?
Change your eyes and ears and heart.
See the invisible, hear the silent, feel the ineffable, know the unknowable.
Drink the wine of paradox and feel the intoxication of love beyond measure.
Like a hungry babe, I sucked on the breast of Tao and turned into Tao.
Now everything is inside out and upside down! Like a drunken vagabond , I roam the far corners of the universe, singing lovesongs without words.
This body moves and acts, this mind creates strange, ever-changing worlds...but the still center never moves, anchored forever in perfection.
From this center, wherever I look,
all I see is love.

Friday, June 20, 2008

The Fire in The Stone

In the heart of the stone, a secret fire lies entrapped.
Deep in my self, in the marrow of my bones, in the atoms of my cells, a long-sleeping memory awakes. A memory of light and freedom and ecstasy...the sweet taste of my true home.

A lifetime ago, a tiny spark of infinity was drawn into a seed created by the union of sperm and egg. It gave freely of its life-energy and its secret wisdom, so that the single cell it inhabited could multiply and be transformed into a complex human fetus. Thus the divine was made flesh...and cloaked by the physical, mental and emotional layers of a human being.
Born screaming and bloody into the world, I took my first breath...and breath kept me connected to infinity all these many years.
Lifespark within, fanned by breath , keeps this inert corpse alive. When the karma encoded in my DNA is exhausted, the spark will finally escape and return to its true home. This is death. Even those who loved this person in life will make haste to burn the cold, clammy corpse ...once the light of infinity departs, all that is left is clay.

I forgot my original face. Lost in the smoky fog of human nature, I fell into maya's dream-net.Layer by layer, the veils of forgetfulness formed around me.
I grew four bodies , each increasingly dense, each adding another barrier to remembering my true nature. And , with the final layer of the ego-mind complex, I was totally encased , like a fossil in amber, in the hard, impenetrable shell of name and form.
Suffering drove me to escape.
Tapasya, the intense heat of friction between the embedded true nature and the layers of form, shatters the stone.
Guided by intent, breath shifts into the subtle, gossamer channel that is the core of the spinal cord. Breath within breath burns karma away, decodes the DNA. Death before the body dies is the key.
Coming home is remembering my original face..and my true nature.
Ah! The joy of awakening into awareness! The kingdom is restored, the usurper, mind, dethroned and the rightful monarch, spirit, sits firmly on the throne. The cycle is complete...the flesh is made divine.
Now matter is radiant with spirit - everyday reality reveals the Light within all things.
Form and formless are one. Nothing is everything. Infinity and eternity dance in harmony.
All is magic. All is well.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Forgiveness is a much-misunderstood term. It is not just about pardoning someone or something for some perceived hurt or sin.
Why is forgiving others so much easier than forgiving oneself?
Perhaps it is because the false self foisted upon you by the years of growing up is filled with negativity, with fear , guilt, despair, regret.
Become aware that this self you find so hard to forgive is only a phantom, an unreal bundle of tortured memories that you keep alive by identification.
True forgiveness implies , at the deepest level of being, feeling one with that which is forgiven. When you finally understand that you are truly one with all there is, who is there to forgive or be forgiven?
Forgiveness is the fragrance of discovering who you really are.
The ecstatic scent of total surrender.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Why does the little child touch one's heart ?
Because he or she is still innocent.
Innocence is divine because it has not yet been trapped by ego. The God-spark is still not covered in layers of armour.
Soon, the world will cloak this divine radiance with the mask of the persona.
The original innocence will be buried deep under layers and layers of false selves. The child will grow into the wary adult - bruised , battered and carefully camouflaged.
Is it possible to return to this innocence? To shed all the masks, to be naked and pure and radiant again?
The eyes of Ramana Maharishi speak for themselves.
How wonderful...and the innocence that is found again! Blissful, tranquil and perfect, anchored in the Self forever!

Sunday, June 1, 2008


There are many scientists around the world working on retarding the aging process. With advances in genetics, molecular biology, stem cells, cloning, they want to try and extend the average human life-span to 150 or 200 years.
How boring! It's like extending the prison-sentence. Obviously, you will never want to escape from prison, unless you first realise you are imprisoned!
A dispassionate observation of the human race over the last 1000 years would lead to the conclusion ,by any unbiased observer , that this species is undoubtedly insane!
Which other species tortures, kills, maims and imprisons vast numbers of its fellow-creatures, and destroys its own habitat with reckless abandon?
Instead of battling to extend the lifespan of the human body, would it not be better to first cure the illness of the human mind?
An obsessive fear of death is merely extending the grip of the servant ( mind) over the master ( spirit).
Young Prince Siddhartha sought the answer to the riddle of human birth, suffering, old age and death...when his mind finally gave up and stopped altogether, he found his true nature and became Buddha.
Evolution demands a change of consciousness, not an extension of bodily existence.
Dear scientists , please first find a cure to man's incredible blindness, unconsciousness and unawareness, his inhumanity to his fellow-men and fellow-creatures, and total disregard for the well-being of the planet he lives on.

The illusion of separateness is the root of all this.

Extending the lifespan of the individual, without adressing this key illusion, will only make things a lot worse!
Understand the true nature of time, so you will not be obsessed by it. When you can find eternity in every moment, your attitude will no doubt be different.
Understand how the mind has become a runaway monster gone berserk.
Wake up! Escape the dream! Break out of the cage!
And, dont try to play God until you learn how to BE God.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Myself and I

Sometimes, I love myself. Sometimes I hate myself. Sometimes, I am proud of myself. Sometimes, I am ashamed of myself. Sometimes, I want to find myself. Sometimes , I want to escape from myself.
Who is the real "I"?
If there is an "I" ..and a separate "myself", which is real? Or are both unreal?
Inside me there are a thousand voices, each claiming priority, each clamouring for attention.
The one who observes and lovingly honours them all, without judgement, ...who is he?
When all divisions disappear, perhaps I will know who I really am.
In the silence of the Center, all becomes One.

Friday, May 23, 2008


I thought learning was difficult. All those years of studies..reading...learning.
Now I find what is really difficult is un-learning.
Getting rid of all the concepts, all the clever dialogues, discussions, interpretations. Cleaning the many layers of mud from the original spotless mirror.
Why is that difficult? If I have covered myself with an armour built of multiple layers of filth..why can't I just clean it off?
Only because I have allowed it to become my identity...the shell that I fondly cling to...removing it would leave me naked and like a newborn babe..
How strange !
People would rather cling to their armour of mud...even if they are aware that it is the source of all their misery...than be naked...and clear.....and free!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Beyond all the words

Words are empty and meaningless.
At best, they can serve as signposts, triggers or catalysts.
At worst, they cloud the mind.
Doctrines are vast collections of words. Scholars learn all the fat books by heart and think they have achieved learning...all they have done is covered their original clear mirror mind with garbage.
The monkey mind needs words. Observe his antics carefully..see the worlds he spins out from words..heavens and hells and other fantasies.
Truth lies in the silence beyond the words, in the indescribable reality of inner experience.
Why do I write these words , then?
I dont...they write themselves. They are just like my fingers ,pointing at the breathtakingly beautiful full moon radiant in the night-sky.
Look at the moon...not at the fingers.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


We come into this world alone. We leave one can come with us on that final journey.
Our spirits live in solitude. Even in the midst of crowds, inside we are alone...each cocooned in his or her own universe. Yet, we crave companionship, love,affection, to be liked and appreciated. Why is this?
Because we have let ourselves be trapped in the delusion of being separate.
But somewhere, deep, deep inside us, lies this memory of being one with all there is.
And we cannot but crave to return to that knowing.
Learn the secret of being alone without being lonely.
Solitude bears rich gifts...nourishment for the soul.
How can I be alone..when my breath links me with the furthest galaxies? How can I be alone when I know and experience that I am trees and birds and planets and seas and mountains and people and bees?
Solitude is my true home...where I can return to who I really am.
Solitude is my rest and my refuge, where my soul can recharge itself with the infinite energy of the Universe.
In the embrace of my solitude, I find peace and joy and love that is infinite and eternal.
And, in this finding, I discover my true connection, at the deepest level, with all living beings.

Friday, May 16, 2008


The fruit, when ripe, falls of its own accord.
There is no shortcut to ripeness. It happens in its own time.

Another word for ripeness is maturity. How is this defined?
I am mature when I take full and complete responsibility for my own life.When I finally stop passing the buck. And realise that I cannot blame anyone or anything at all for my state of being and my life situation.
People love to blame other persons or forces for their own misfortunes and shortcomings.They blame luck, the planets, past lives,friends, parents, spouses, children, bosses, colleagues, the government,karma, God.
Mature people can't do this anymore.
They are totally aware and certain that they alone control their inner state...which in turn controls everything that happens in their lives.
They know that the universe reflects what is within themselves...and this manifests as all the situations and circumstances of their lives.
So they learn to focus on tuning themselves, getting their own inner house in order, rather than worrying about anyone else or wasting energy on trying to change other people or places or circumstances. They know beyond all shadow of doubt that the subtle inside is the source of all the outside.
Therefore, they understand that ripeness is everything.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Big Lie

They lied to us. Parents, teachers, society...all the blind unconscious forces that shaped our thought-cages.
They taught us to pretend. To be what others expected us to be. To chase pipe-dreams: money, power,fame, security, success.
And waste the precious days, hours, minutes of our lives.
Brick by brick, they walled us in.
Layer by layer, they added coats of mind-concrete that hardened with the years.
No one taught us how to be. No one showed us the real treasure and magic within ourselves. No one told us that the pursuit of external mirages would only leave us dessicated and thirsting in a burning desert. No one taught us the incredible difference between book-learning and experiential knowing.

We can't blame them..they did not know any better. As Jesus said when they nailed him to the cross, " Father forgive them, for they know not what they do."
All we can do is follow our own inner vision...make our own mistakes, bear our own burdens, suffer our own crucifixions..until, driven by despair or desperation or a faint memory, we shatter the cages, break all the walls and let our spirits fly free in the boundless sky.
This is resurrection. This is rebirth. This is the metamorphosis, the transformation of caterpillar into butterfly.
Until we do this, we waste our precious lives.
Seize the day!
Dont wait any longer: BE now, for tomorrow you may not get another chance.
Return to innocence and totality, to who you truly are.
Enough is enough. Do it NOW!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Blundering Through

I made many mistakes in my life. I was often unconscious and unaware.This is the greatest and only sin, the root of all mistakes.
Even a dog learns faster; despite so many slaps in the face, my learning took a long time. Somehow, by the gift of grace, I blundered through into the Light.
So now, none of it matters.
I see with new eyes and a heart filled with gratitude.
I see that I never truly lost my real nature, the truth I was born with.
I see that the Universe took care of me like a benevolent and tolerant mother, no matter what I did.
I see that life is beautiful and sacred.
I feel the power of its mystery pulsing in my belly and my heart.And in the clouds , the trees, the light, the wind.
My spirit sings in harmony: its so easy now.
All i have to do is tune in. And celebrate. And laugh. And live fully and totally in each magical moment of my life.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Drop the burden

Enlightenment is getting lighter...dropping the burden. Realising that there is no one to be enlightened.
Letting go of the huge sack full of learning, concepts,past memories , future dreams... that one carries all the time.
Returning to one's original nature,free of time, free of memories or fantasies. Free even of the desire to be enlightened.
No wonder, in Zen, they say " Can you see your original face before you were born?"
"The children talking to the rain know that they will be heard. Because they have not yet been changed into their names." from a song i wrote years ago.

"Just as apes spend their time throwing things away and picking them up again unceasingly, so it is with you and your learning. All you need is to give up your "learning," your "ignorant" and "Enlightened," pure and impure, great and little, your "attachment" and "activity." Such things are mere conveniences, mere ornaments within the One Mind. I hear you have studied the sutras of the twelve divisions of the Three Vehicles. They are all mere empirical concepts. Really you must give them up! " Zen Master Huang Po, Courtesy,

Conceptual thought is the greatest barrier to finding your true nature.
Direct experience of being, without distortion by thought, is the key.
Return to that state before ego.
The state of being is what matters: the doing follows perfectly.
Then all will be well

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Being simple is very difficult. The ego-mind delights in complexity. Being simple demands total courage, total trust, the ability to leap without hesitation into the abyss.
Nature, at core, is simple. The truth is simple. Tao is simple.
Direct perception, without going through the filter of the mind and its pre-conceived notions, is only possible when you are simple.
Thus, the eyes of simplicity see the incredible, magical perfection of all that exists.
Once you have experienced this perception, no other eyes will ever satisfy you.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Center

"Returning to the Source is stillness, which is the way of Nature. Stillness and tranquility set things in order in the Universe."
These words are from the Tao Te Ching, one of the greatest books ever written.
When I turn my attention inwards, I find a core of stillness. This is the Source, the Center.If I stay in this stillness, I feel very good...joyous, tranquil, alert and aware.
If I look out upon the world from this place, I see and feel the magic everywhere. This is the Heart that Ramana Maharishi speaks of, the origin and the core of all creation.
Once I find this, I find everything; all i need to do is keep returning to it.
Life throws me off-center often...but all I need to do is take a few moments and return to the Center.Its just a simple matter of learning how to swim or ride a bike or play the guitar. At first it seems so difficult, well-nigh impossible. A little practice...and, hey presto! it just flows with effortless ease.
Every human being has this treasure within.
This is the greatest healing, where all is forgiven, all pain dissolves, all confusion vanishes.
Here, all questions, doubts , fears disappear.
Here there is no negativity, no duality, no desire, no suffering, no death.
Here there is only infinite bliss and deep eternal peace.
Perhaps this is why all the great souls...saints, mystics, sages... of all cultures and all religions, have endlessly exhorted their fellow humans to find this treasure that is within .
There can be no greater blessing than this.
Seek this center..find it and stay in it as often as you can.
Nothing else is needed.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Formless Communication

Funny how those I want to reach the most are locked behind their own walls. As I am imprisoned in mine. We entrap ourselves thus in the artificial prison of personality.
And no words can penetrate that double delusion. Only silent vibration from the core of being has a chance of getting through.
As long as I am my body-mind complex, I am trapped in the battle of the opposites.
Desire and revulsion, love and hate, joy and sadness, up and down…. the usual ride on the carousel of duality. Embodied, I go through all the drama…the pain.
When I have had enough, I turn within.
So I choose to dive deep into myself, down to the bottom of the ocean inside…where the secret fire burns. And there, like water becoming steam, I become formless…rise like vapour up the tunnel of the spine and into the void.
Without form, duality ends.
When duality ends, the ego-mind-body shell collapses.
What is revealed then cannot be spoken of…closest description I can give is that it is infinite, blissful tranquility.
From this indescribable state, all that radiates is love.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Seed

The seed of intention planted in the space behind the mind inevitably bears fruit of its own accord.
Conscious, positive intention produces positive results.
Unconscious, negative intention produces correspondingly negative results. Karma!
It’s as simple as that. So be sure you chose the right seed.
The seed born of intuition grows into a powerful , unstoppable force.
It commands the power that forms the universe and attracts all it needs for growth ,without effort,without fail. Infinite energy works unceasingly and automatically to deliver perfection.
It’s everyday magic…that keeps all creation going.
To reach this space behind the mind, be aware of the empty sky that is the background of thoughts and emotions ......they appear, change shape, float and disappear like the clouds.The sky remains untouched, unchanged. You are not the are the sky.
There , you will discover that total emptiness is absolute fullness.
All feelings of failure, disappointment, negativity disappear like mist before the sun.Here ,in this infinitely fertile sky of creation, plant your seed.
Perfection blossoms like a lotus flower.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Song of Infinity

We have all taken birth to re-discover our own true nature.
Why is this important?
Perhaps because it leads to the cessation of suffering. To true and permanent fulfillment.
To joy beyond measure and that peace that surpasses all understanding.

Why have we allowed this tickertape of thought to clatter non-stop and block all our deeper senses? Why have we reduced our experience to this flat, tasteless realm, denying ourselves the richness, the depth, the supreme perfection that is our birthright and our very being?

If you can dive deep into your own mind, deeper than thought or feeling or words, you will find the root of all creation: the source of frequencies that give birth to the vibrations that create everything. In the beginning was the Word. OMMMM
If you reach that silent space behind the mind..if you can listen with heart and gut and will hear the elemental chorus...the song of the Universe.
Ahhh...once you hear the music of earth and air, water and fire, their perfect harmony...your intoxication will be total, every cell in your body becomes a words can begin to describe this.
Fortunately, enough human beings down the generations have experienced this music of the spheres, Nature's original song...and borne witness to its splendour.
From this source, all creation - and all music - is born.
"Listen, and feel the beauty of your separation, the unsayable absence. There is a moon inside every human being. Learn to be companions with it. Give more of your life to this listening. As brightness is to time, so you are to the one who talks to the deep ear in your chest. I should sell my tongue and buy a thousand ears when that one steps near and begins to speak." Rumi

Sunday, April 20, 2008

A flower falls

Today I saw a flower fall. Perfect white plumeria blossom wafting slowly down on the breeze. To lie on the side of the road before my feet. Even in dying, its fragrant beauty lends splendour to this dusty street.
In the warm Bangalore springtime, trees are a riot of flowers ..yellow and purple and red and lilac and white. Little flowers, big flowers..all bursting with joy and the sheer delight of being.
So ephemeral an existence? To blossom and dance a few brief days, trembling on the wind. .
And yet..the very briefness of its existence creates eternity.
Eternity in the it shines in such perfect splendour, delighting heart and eye,lending its tiny unique voice to the perfect chorus of Nature's harmony.
Eternity in the silent continuity of its existence... for every flower that falls, a new one blooms; and, when the season ends and all the flowers are gone....the earth wheels on its course until spring returns and every flower leaps into another glorious rebirth.
I may live to be 70..or 80. The sun will die in 5 billion years.
Thank you, sweet plumeria blossom, for being my guru today.
My life..or the life of the as ephemeral..and as yours.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Just Another Day

"Just another day. Same old same old."
How many times have I said or thought that? And committed the terrible crime of wasting a precious day!
Every day is a gift..another perfect opportunity to experience the wonder , the magic, the simple exquisite perfection of it all.
Be NOW...for tomorrow never comes.
Every morning when I wake up, I take a few seconds to look out the window at the sun and sky and trees...and thank God for another day dawning, another chance to feel the magic in the ordinary everyday world.
Shift into solar plexus gear.
Look with the right eyes. See from the heart.
Experience the world around you from your gut, not your mind..what a difference it makes!
Escape the trap of thought, the filter of beliefs and feelings and memories.
Every leaf, every grain of dust, every creature is magic!

Friday, April 18, 2008

My Guru Mother River

I sat long quiet hours by the banks of this river...and learnt many lessons from her.
I watched her changing dawn, in the slanting late afternoon sunlight, at sunset, at midnight. I heard her many voices murmur secrets to sky and wind.
I saw how earth and water, light and air dance together in perfect harmony. Felt the peace of perfection, the joy of being. And heard the One true song.
Now all I do is sing quietly along, with every breath I take, every beat of my heart.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My Secret Brother

He was with me in the womb, my secret brother, curled up like a Siamese twin beside my embryonic form. When I was born, he was inside me like a second heart, beating to his own unique rhythm, infinitely unfathomable.
As a child, he visited me in daydreams and, sometimes, at night. His face was my face…a twin within. He was my hidden confidant, witness to every tiny facet of my life.
All my life he has lived within my skin and whispered to my soul. For a long time, as a young man, I ignored I have learnt to pay him heed.
He is my brother, Death.
One final day, driven by suffering deeper than fear, I looked into his eyes and fell like a stone into the abyss of his gaze. In that eternal emptiness, I lost name and form, mind and speech, thought and memory and dream...all dissolved like mist in that silent stillness.
A vast and perfect peace was all that my brother and I embraced and were one.
Unless I embrace death, I can never know Life fully...never experience the awe and the wonder and the magic of it all.
Now my brother sits always upon my left shoulder and whispers in my ear...wordlessly, he tells me his stories; voiceless, he sings me his songs.
He gives me the gift of infinity and eternity - right here and right now!


We know these facts:
Life is short.
Old age and suffering are inevitable aspects of corporeal existence.
Death is certain.
So we all seek meaning.
Meaning in love, in life and living...answers to the existential question...what is it all about?
The answers I found:
There is only one energy pervading everything, and this energy is conscious, intelligent, eternal and omnipotent.
This energy simultaneously exists as every separate entity: it is a tree, it is an ant, it is a mountain, it is a planet, it is a man, a dog , an elephant, a rock….and yet! It is always the whole.Always perfect.
Every human being…by birthright as a human being.. is one with this energy: only the illusion created by the mind makes him/her feel like a separate entity.
Meditation helps the human being to make a choice: to identify with the limited “little” self of the ego or to dissolve back into the formless Energy that is everything.
Every moment contains Eternity: we live only in the eternal present.
 Past and future are illusions: the past is dead and gone, the future is still unborn; when it is born, it is the present.
Learning is only a burden and a barrier: experience is the only reality.
I must return to innocence: just be. No mind.
Compassion is not a choice. Once I am one with all there is, whatever suffering is experienced by any living entity is equally mine! Compassion is automatic.
The experience of being ONE with all there is generates a resonance at the deepest level of Being . In my breath, in my blood, in the marrow of my bones, in my heart and spirit, I feel the LOVE that is the source and the substance of all things. The air, the sky, the water, the earth, the trees and leaves and birds and beasts and fishes and insects and human beings…all are made of this wondrous and perfect ONE LOVE.
It is a love without measure or limit, without reason or reward, without barrier or condition or definition.
Once you experience this love as your very being, there is no chance of ever losing it.
Once you have tasted it, nothing else will ever satisfy you.